Property Valuations During A Divorce
During a divorce, whether for purposes of negotiation, mediation, collaboration or litigation, the parties need to assign a value to the assets - this is called valuation. Frequently valuation of property can be easy, such as when it is a bank or retirement account as...

Understanding Divorce As It Relates To Military Personnel
Legally speaking, Servicemembers (or their spouses) who are seeking a divorce are not unlike anyone seeking a divorce. The process is generally the same, but has some important distinctions to consider during the divorcing process and there may be some additional...

HELP! I Believe My Spouse Is Wasting Our Assets To Keep Me From Receiving My Fair Share During Our Divorce.
The wasting of marital assets by excessive spending, gambling or unnecessary borrowing is called dissipation. Courts look with disfavor on a party dissipating marital assets; many judges consider it serious misconduct. Frankly, dissipation is a common form of economic...

Children’s Bill of Rights
Every kid has a right to be healthy, happy and safe: however, this can be challenging at a time when mom and dad are splitting up. Below are some perspectives parents should never forget -- and kids should never let them forget - during a time when the...

How do I obtain a Civil Protection Order in DC?
Step 1: Go to one of the Domestic Violence Intake Centers. After the abuse occurs, go to one of the Domestic Violence Intake Centers (DVICs) as soon as possible after an incident occurs. (Note: You can file for a civil protection order in D.C. if you live, work, or go...
Geoffrey S. Platnick
Strickler, Platnick & Hatfield, P.C.
1201 Seven Locks Road, Suite 360-7B
Potomac, Maryland 20854
T 240.617.0404
Communications and The Attorney-Client Relationship
Although I am happy for you to contact me, merely contacting me does not create an attorney-client relationship until an agreement has been reached between us to handle a particular matter. Please do not convey to me any information you regard as confidential until a formal attorney-client relationship has been established between us.
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